
Frederick Winslow Taylor also known as F.W.Taylor. frederick Winslow Taylor was an american mechanical engineer. f.w.taylor was born on march 20,1856 .He was the one of the first financial consultants.he is alsoKnown for"Father"of the Scientific management & Efficiency Movement, Father of Industrial Engineering.Taylor was the son of a lawyer. He entered Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire in 1872. In 1911, Taylor summed up his efficiency techniques in his book ' The Principles of Scientific Management'. Taylor was also an athlete who competed nationally in tennis. His occupation was Efficiency expert Management consultant. He got the Awards of Elliott Cresson Medal (1902).

Financial appraisal/analysis objectives of financial appraisal

 Financial appraisal/analysis

Financial appraisal is a method of evaluating the viability of a proposed project by assessing the value of net cash flows that results from its implementation.
Financial appraisal/analysis is defined as "the process of discovering economic facts about a project on the basis of interpretation of financial data".

Objectives of Financial appraisal

  1. Deciding the financial feasibility of the project.
  2. Identifying and estimated the financial cash flows
  3. Assessing the financial sustainability.
  4. Determining that part of investment cost which will not be recouped by net revenue.
  5. Assessing the funding sources for the project.
  6. Examining the return on capital for different sources of fund


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