
Frederick Winslow Taylor also known as F.W.Taylor. frederick Winslow Taylor was an american mechanical engineer. f.w.taylor was born on march 20,1856 .He was the one of the first financial consultants.he is alsoKnown for"Father"of the Scientific management & Efficiency Movement, Father of Industrial Engineering.Taylor was the son of a lawyer. He entered Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire in 1872. In 1911, Taylor summed up his efficiency techniques in his book ' The Principles of Scientific Management'. Taylor was also an athlete who competed nationally in tennis. His occupation was Efficiency expert Management consultant. He got the Awards of Elliott Cresson Medal (1902).

Entrepreneurs - types / classification

 Business entrepreneurs are classified into different types on the basis of (1) Type of business,(2) use of technology,(3) Motivation,(4) Growth and (5) Nature.

On the basis of the type of business

  • Business entrepreneurs : those entrepreneurs who conceive idea in to a reality are called business entrepreneurs
  • Trading entrepreneurs  : those entrepreneurs who undertake trading activities and stimulate demand for their products by adopting Sales promotion techniques are are known as trading entrepreneurs. Trading enterprise engage in both Internal and international trade.
  • Industrial entrepreneurs :  industrial entrepreneurs are those who are basically product oriented business man and are real manufactures. They start industrial units and provide all the facilities for making a new new industrial products.
  • Corporate entrepreneurs : corporate entrepreneurs are those who to demonstrate their innovative skills in organising enterprises in the corporate sector
  • Agricultural entrepreneurs : those entrepreneurs who undertake agricultural activities such as raising and marketing of crops fertilizers etc... are called agricultural entrepreneurs.
On the basis of the use of technology
  • Technical entrepreneurs : the main aim of technical entrepreneurs are to produce new and improved quality of goods.
  • Professional entrepreneurs : A professional entrepreneur takes interest in commecing a business, but once it is started he looses interest in managing it any longer.
On the basis of motivation
  • Pure entrepreneurs : the factors motivating A pure entrepreneur are economic and psychological rewards.
  • Induced entrepreneurs : induced entrepreneurs are those who are induced to undertake an intrapreneurial activity due to the policy, measures of the government that offer incentives, assistance, concessions, etc.. to start a new venture.
  • Motivated entrepreneurs : the possibility of producing and marketing a new product for the use of customers, motivate this entrepreneurs to come into existence. When the product starts enjoying sufficient demand they are again motivated by the increasing profit.
  • Spontaneous entrepreneurs : those entrepreneurs who willingly seize the opportunities to take up industrial activities are known as spontaneous entrepreneurs.
On the basis of growth
  • Growth entrepreneurs  -  those who invest in industries having a high  potential for growth is known as growth entrepreneurs.
  • Super Growth entrepreneurs  -  super growth entrepreneurs strive to about enormous growth of performance in their industrial venture.

on the basis of nature

  • innovative entrepreneurs  - an innovative entrepreneur who introduce new goods,employs new methods of productions,discovers new markets and Reorganises  the enterprise accordingly.
  • Imitative entrepreneurs  -   those who try to imitate the successful innovations of innovating entrepreneurs are known as imitative entrepreneurs.
  • Fabian entrepreneurs  - the word 'Fabian' literally means 'delaying'.Fabian entrepreneurs are very cautions in experimenting any changes in the working of their enterprises.they become ready to Intiate changes only when they are convinced that A failure  to do so would result in a loss of the relative position of the enterprise in the business arena
  • Drone entrepreneurs - 'Drone' literally means 'basic'.drone entrepreneurs are those who are unwilling to bring about any changes in the existing production system,even if the delay in doing so ,has caused repeated losses to their enterprises .
  • Solo operators  -  'solo' means 'one man show'.these entrepreneurs prefer to set up their business individually.they introduce their own capital ,intellect and business acumen to run enterprise Successfuly 
  • active partners  - Entrepreneurs who start/carry on enterprises as joint venture are classified as active partner
  • inventors -  Entrepreneurs ,whose competence and inventiveness prompt them to invent new products and new production and new production methods are called 'inventors'
  • challengers -  the challenges put forth by an industry prompt these entrepreneurs to plunge into that industrial enterprise. When one challenge is met successfully,they do not hesitate to face a new challenge .
  • buyers - these entrepreneurs prefer to evade risks.so, instead of facing risks involved in starting a new business,they like to buy an ongoing one
  • life timers/inherited entrepreneurs   -  entrepreneurs who inherit family business fall under this category. That 1 business is an integral part of their life.
  • individual entrepreneurs and  institutional entrepreneurs  -  entrepreneurs who belong to the small scale industry sector fall under the category of 'individual entrepreneurs'. They are found plenty in any country. When a team of entrepreneurs work unitedly,the enterprise gains and institutional nature and this entrepreneurs known as institutional entrepreneurs.
  • Technological entrepreneurs -Technology entrepreneurship is an investment in a project that assembles and deploys specialized individuals and heterogeneous assets that are intricately related to advances in scientific and technological knowledge for the purpose of creating and capturing value for a firm.
  • instigated entrepreneurs - Instigated Entrepreneurs Person who have become entrepreneur due to the pressure exerted on them by circumstances are termed as instigated entrepreneurs.


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