
Frederick Winslow Taylor also known as F.W.Taylor. frederick Winslow Taylor was an american mechanical engineer. f.w.taylor was born on march 20,1856 .He was the one of the first financial consultants.he is alsoKnown for"Father"of the Scientific management & Efficiency Movement, Father of Industrial Engineering.Taylor was the son of a lawyer. He entered Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire in 1872. In 1911, Taylor summed up his efficiency techniques in his book ' The Principles of Scientific Management'. Taylor was also an athlete who competed nationally in tennis. His occupation was Efficiency expert Management consultant. He got the Awards of Elliott Cresson Medal (1902).

sole proprietorship

sole proprietorship

Sole proprietorship is popular type business organisation . it is the most suitable form for small scale industries.a business owned and managed and controlled by a single individual is known as "sole proprietorship".the individual is known as "sole proprietor".

According to J.l.hansen"sole trader is a type of business unit where a person is solely responsible for providing the capital . for bearing the risk of the enterprise and for the management of business ".


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